The environment makes it possible for many leisure activities to be enjoyed. The lakes provide the opportunity to take part in all types of fishing and sailing. Its natural wealth is perfect for hiking, cycling or simply walking. There are several companies in the area offering many choices of organised leisure activities to take full advantage of a unique environment.
Ven a divertirte y vive una autentica aventura. Las actividades al aire libre son una manera más sana y provechosa de pasar el tiempo libre así como de educar en unos valores y unos hábitos sanos, que mejoren la Educación Medio Ambiental en todos nosotros. Disfrutar del Parque Natural practicando; Buceo, Rutas en 4x4, Rocódromo, Rutas en Kayak, Visitas guiadas Cueva de Montesinos, Rutas a Caballo, Submarinismo, Vuelos en Globo aerostático, Senderismo + Espeleoturismo, Iniciación a la Pesca, Rutas en Buggys y Paintball.
Más información:
CULTURAL VISITS. There are many sightseeing opportunities in this area of La Mancha and you can enjoy the heritage of some of the most visited tourist destinations in Castile-La Mancha. Near the National Park be sure to visit the Cave of Montesinos, the Ethnographic Museum, the Hermitage of San Pedro and the Castle of Rochafrida de Ossa de Montiel. In the village of Ruidera the Church of the Virgen Blanca and the El Hundimiento natural park. Peñarroya Castle in Argamasilla de Alba, the House of Medrano and the church of San Juan Bautista among others.
The Heritage of Castile-La Mancha hoards cultural experiences that successive generations have left us as a testimony to their concerns. An example is Villanueva de los Infantes and its Plaza Mayor.